01 - Telegraf: First Steps and Guide-Lines
Installing Telegraf Agent as a Windows Service with a configuration directory (recommended)
.\telegraf.exe --service install --config-directory "C:\Program Files\Telegraf\telegraf.d"
Installing Telegraf Agent as a Windows Service with a configuration directory and the default configuration file
.\telegraf.exe --service install --config "C:\Program Files\Telegraf\telegraf.conf" --config-directory "C:\Program Files\Telegraf\telegraf.d"
Installing Telegraf Agent as a Windows Service
The Telegraf Agent searches the configuration: "C:\Program Files\Telegraf\telegraf.conf"
.\telegraf.exe --service install
Deinstallation of the Telegraf agent (Windows Service)
.\telegraf.exe --service uninstall
Testing / Debugging
Testing Telegraf input configurations
.\telegraf.exe --config-directory .\telegraf.d\ --test --debug
Useful Telegraf queries
Show Telegraf version
.\telegraf.exe version
Show all Telegraf input plugins
.\telegraf.exe --input-list
Create a Telegraf config (example with the Input-Plugin "disk")
.\telegraf.exe --section-filter agent:inputs --input-filter disk config > telegraf.conf
If you get an error: [telegraf] Error running agent: Error loading config file telegraf.conf: Error parsing data: line 1: invalid TOML syntax then maybe the enconding of the file "telegraf.conf" is not UTF-8.
Telegraf Configurations/Plugins
All Telegraf Plugins are Built-In. That means you don't use extra plugin file, you can use the plugin directly you only have to write a configuration file ".conf".
Guide-Line: Save all Telegraf configurations/plugins in .conf files at: C:\Program Files\Telegraf\telegraf.d
Naming (Guide-Line)
Example: An Input-Plugin to collect VHD informations with a PowerShell-Script: inputs.exec.vhd.conf
Example: An Input-Plugin to collect Basic Windows informations with Perfmon: inputs.win_perf_counters.basic.conf
Example: An Input-Plugin to collect Hyper-V informations with Perfmon: inputs.win_perf_counters.hyper-v.conf
Example: Telegraf-Agent configurations: agent.global.conf
Example: Global tagging: tags.global.conf
Example: InfluxDB configurations: outputs.global.influxdb.conf
Example: Internal Monitoring of the Telegraf Agent: inputs.internal.telegraf.conf
Example: Aggregator "BasicStats": aggregators.basicstats.global.conf
- input
- output
- aggregator
- processor
- agent (Agent configurations: Global Intervalls,...)
- tags (Definition of global tags)
Telegraf Inputs
Telegraf Inputs are documented in: Telegraf: Input Plugins
Telegraf Processors
Telegraf Processors are documented in: Telegraf: Processor Plugins