InfluxDB: Performance Monitoring

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On this page you find informations about the performance of your InfluxDB instance.

Query limits

With the InfluxDB configuration: max-concurrent-queries you can limit the maximum number of running queries (Default = 0 -> unlimited number of queries). With the InfluxDB configuration: query-timeout you can limit the duration of queries (Default = 0 -> no duration limit).

Useful performance metrics commands

To see node statistics


The statistics returned by SHOW STATS are stored in memory only, and are reset to zero when the node is restarted.

Number of points per second being written to the instance (monitor service must have enabled)

influx -execute 'select derivative(pointReq, 1s) from "write" where time > now() - 5m' -database '_internal' -precision 'rfc3339'

Identify currently running queries


Stop currently running queries

qid = Query-ID from the SHOW QUERIES command.